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我们很激动的宣布Onecred的成立。 Onecred是信贷的新玩法。我们希望它能像信用卡一样易用,却没有信用卡的高费用和使用相关程序。



Hi StellarTalk,


We’re excited to announce https://onecred.com


OneCred is a new way to think about credit.  We want it to be as convenient to use as a credit card, but without the high fees and credit applications.


In the near future, we hope to offer credit lines not just in Stellar Currencey (STR), but also Bitcoin (BTC).


We think that we can create a new kind of credit system for the Billions of honest people in the world who can’t afford a bank account, let alone a credit card.  But OneCred isn’t just for developing nations.  We believe that the low transaction fees and fast confirmation times of the Stellar Network make it an ideal platform to launch a new system of credit that will revolutionize the world.


Stay Stellar!

OneCred Team
